Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Book Review & Giveaway: Monochrome by H.M. Jones

By H.M. Jones
Genre: Dark Fantasy, Postpartum Depression, Contemporary women

What would you do to save your most precious memories?

That’s the question that Abigail Bennet, a new mother, must answer in this dark fantasy.

The cries of her new baby throw Abigail into rage and desperation. Frightened by foreign anger and overwhelming depression, the first-time mother decides to end her life to spare the life of her only child. But before she acts on her dark intuition, she is overcome by a panic attack and

When she awakes, everything is blue: the trees, the grass, the rocks and still, scentless sky above her. Everything except the face of the man who stands over her. He is Ishmael Dubois and claims to be her Guide through the dangerous world of Monochrome, a physical manifestation of the depressed mind. But in a place where good memories are currency, nightmares walk, and hopeless people are hired to bring down those who still have the will to live, Abigail starts to wonder if she’ll ever make it back to her family. Despite her growing feelings for her handsome, mysterious Guide, Abigail must fight for the life she once wished to take or fade into the blue.

Monochrome is on SALE for $2.99!

My Review

Monochrome deals with heavy topics, such as depression and suicide. While the subject matter is dark, it's beautifully written and the overall message is uplifting. We are quickly introduced to Abigail who is suffering from postpartum depression and experiencing an overwhelming moment with her baby. She falls from reality and enters a world beyond her wildest imagination. People who have lost hope roam this place called Monochrome. Abigail meets her "guide" Ishmael who is to help navigate her away from the gloomy environment to her home - back to her reality. 

I have to applaud H.M. Jones because I haven't read anything like this before. Parts of the book that stood out to me were the trading of memories, different levels of memories organized by color, and the battle Abigail faced regarding her self-worth. I was also drawn in to the relationship between Abigail and Ishmael. The bond they formed was touching and without giving any spoilers away, I will say the ending is simply perfect.

Author Bio

H.M. Jones is the B.R.A.G. Medallion honoree of Monochrome, now published by Booktrope’s Gravity Imprint.

She has also written the Attempting to Define poetry collection, and is a contributing author to Masters of Time: A Sci-Fi and Fantasy Time Travel Anthology. A best seller only in her mind, Jones pay the electric bill by teaching English courses at Northwest Indian College. She moderates Elite Indie Reads, is the tired mother of two preschoolers, and in her “spare” time weaves, pulls with the Port Gamble S’Klallam Canoe Family, and attempts to deserve her handsome husband, whose lawyering helps pay the rest of the bills.

The author is giving away an ebook copy of Monochrome!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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