Sunday, December 11, 2016

Book Review: The Soul Knows By Desraye Halon

The Soul Knows
By Desraye Halon
Genre: Spiritual, Nonfiction, New Age

Do You Feel Something Unusual is Happening with Our Planet, with People?

Many are now observing and some are even feeling unusual changes in our world. This is a chaotic time and some are acting out in fear and anger. However, as author Desraye Halon explains, this is exactly the opposite of how we should be responding to these shifts in energy.

These profound changes are a part of an awakening — that it is time for us to realize that we are spiritual beings with amazing potential to see and experience far beyond the physical world. Exploring in-depth her own spiritual and psychic journey, Desraye has written this intensely personal book to, “…give you tools of thought to help ease and comfort you through your new search...your new awakening…to the expansion of you.”
Born with psychic intuition, Desraye has learned how to use her gifts to receive information and wants to help others who are experiencing a spiritual awakening and all that this profound shift can entail.

My Review

Wow, this book was much more than I imagined. I felt like the first half of the book is written in a memoir-style. Halon writes about her normal Middle America upbringing, but how things became more difficult when she began to have feelings for other girls. Her mother was not accepting about her sexual orientation, and Desraye shares the intimate story of her suicide attempt. 

The Soul Knows is Desraye's journey of awakening, along with seeing and communicating with spirits that have passed on. She shares her experience with energy and how she feels it affects us all. Halon guides readers on how to tap into their own energy, awaken themselves, and be open to the spiritual side. 

A great read!

About the Author

Desraye has written five books, published three books and still writing. My latest work is The Soul Knows and coming out soon is The Emergency Guide to an Awakening/Activation- Ascension Rising. Published by Light Matters Publishing an imprint of Flint Hills Publishing.

She only writes spiritual works to help others along their path. As she has gone through two deaths and was saved to come back and gone through an intense spiritual awakening.

Desraye was born with psychic intuition and have learned how to use my gifts to help others. Of course she is always learning and growing too. She posts on her website about energies, healing, helping, spirits and more to help others. She is an energy healer.

She is an artist and had some of her paintings in the downtown Phoenix area and in a high-rise building. Soon to be in a gallery in Phoenix. 

Desraye is from the mid-west area of the U.S. but call Phoenix, AZ home for the last nine years. If she is not writing or painting you can find me outdoors. Hiking, walking or just being out in it. Inner joy is the key to everything. Just know you are much more than you think you are. 

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