Thursday, July 19, 2012

Guest Post: Gardening with your children

I've had such a busy week that I completely forgot to share my guest post that I wrote about gardening with my kids. Going Green with the Grizls featured my post on Monday, check it out!

Gardening with your children Guest Post by Sage @ My Name is Sage


Anonymous said...

very cute! my daughter has her own basil and lemon balm. we have especially enjoyed using the lemon balm and she has learned a lot about gardening!

SkYLan said...

My kids love the garden so much. They've recently taken to planting the seeds of anything they have just eaten just to see what, if anything comes up! With all the hybrids out there we get some strange stuff sometimes!

Michelle Maskaly said...

It's great to get your kids learning the importance of growing fruits and vegetables. Very cool!

Unknown said...

We started my kids young on planting and growing Gardens. Now they are 12 and 14 and every year they got to grow something. I beleave it is something all kids should get to do and learn a great trade that is not taught anymore.

Unknown said...

I bet your house is a a lot of fun!!

Kim Justice said...

I love planting things with my grandkids.. They get a kick out of grandma in the dirt..hehe.. Thanks for sharing your tips. Blessings.

crunchyfarmbaby said...

Charlie is only one and I already love taking him out into the garden, even if he does pull up the wrong "weeds"! :)

By the way, I nominated your blog for a Liebster blog award! :)

Meagan said...

Very cute. I love to garden with my kids, but they are just not into it yet!
